A local station in Philadelphia airs a weekly children's show called Eagles Kids Club. I am stumped by its existence somewhat because I've never seen such a show devoted to a local sports team.
At first, I assumed this was a national franchise - ala Bozo - localized for whatever sports market it happens to be airing in. Certainly, the animation is cheap enough (1990-era jittery computer grade). It would probably be possible to make a minimal number of changes to convert this to "Seahawks Kids Club" for the Seattle market: just change "Swoop" to an osprey, and switch color schemes from green to blue.
But, by God, this seems to be a product by and for the Philadelphia television market: a bona-fide local cartoon show. (Has there ever been such a thing?)
The animation is actually kept to a minimum; much of the show is devoted to live-action schtick acted out by whichever Eagle drew the short straw that week. Most of the content is Philly all the way - including a humorous (?) electric football segment narrated by local announcer Merrill Reese.
So what to make of this bizarre show? Have Channel 29 and the Eagles really combined to make a fairly expensive show strictly for the hung-over - and their children - to widely ignore on Sunday mornings?
Here's an archive of all the shows.