Just to clarify - this is a list of the people who passed in away in 2008 in order of whose work I most enjoyed. I will touch on those who didn't make the Top 20, but deserve honorable mention,
6. Forrest J. Ackerman (above)
Published Famous Monsters of Filmland, a horror mag I purchased about once a year (whenever comics were lean), but more importantly creator of one of the Golem's all-time favorite characters.
7. Paul Newman
I'm not the biggest Newman fan, but I definitely respected his talent. I often think about his role in The Verdict in particular.
8. Charlton Heston
Was still one the biggest stars in Hollywood when I started going to the movies (early '70s) - with films like Planet of the Apes, Omega Man, Soylent Green, Earthquake, and frequent respect on TV as Moses in The Ten Commandments. (My favorite role of his is the Mexican detective from Touch of Evil - well worth TCM-ing).
9. Allan Melvin
Appeared in too many shows I watched over the years - including (but not limited to) Sgt. Bilko, Gomer Pyle USMC, All in the Family, The Banana Splits, The Brady Bunch (as Sam the Butcher), and twice as many cartoon voice-overs.
10. Suzanne Pleshette
First and best of the "Newhart Women".