Ranked in order of how much I appreciated their work:
16. Ollie Johnson
Pioneering Disney animator, worked on Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Bambi, 101 Dalmatians, Fantasia, and many other classics. Literally wrote the book on modern animation.
17. Jim McKay (above)
Host of ABC's Wide World of Sports - many an episode of which was watched by The Golem in the '70s and '80s. Covered the "Munich Massacre" at the 1972 Olympics (also witnessed by impressionable young Golem).
18. Killer Kowalski
Wrestling "bad guy"; trainer of Triple-H, Chyna, Perry Saturn, and others. Scared the Golem in early '70s.
19. Paul Benedict
Funniest white person on The Jeffersons.
20. Edie Adams
Widow of comedian Ernie Kovacs; was quite funny in her own right.
List Updated: Beverly Garland removed to include Killer Kowalski in Top 20.