Saturday, June 14, 2008

Charlie Jones

Charlie Jones had the unfortunate luck to die within hours of the much more famous Tim Russert.

Charlie was the voice of the AFC - which was before my time, and the host of Pro-Fan and Almost Anything Goes - which weren't.

Almost Anything Goes - if I recall correctly - was a competition featuring contestants from cities across the U.S. doing wacky stunts. It was right up my alley in 1975, and I think I might even have had the home game.

Pro-Fan was one of those syndicated sports shows that Channel 17 played whenever there was a rain delay in the Phillies game. Athletes teamed up with fans to compete in trivia and wacky stunts. I didn't have the home game. It's one of those important shows from my youth, like Can You Top This? - that has probably been completely wiped from existence.